Get Fit With Yoga

  • Reduce stress
  • Increase strength and flexibility
  • Promote weight loss
  • Significantly improve posture
  • Improve balance
  • Reduce risks of injury during other sports

Vinyasa "Flow" Yoga

  • OWe flow from one pose to the next. This style links the movement to the breath. During the warm up phase, there will be one breath per movement to build heat. During the second phase, we hold the warrior poses, using props if needed, for 5-7 breaths to build strength. During the final phase of the class, we focus on increasing flexibility and balance, holding the poses for 7-10 breathes. If you enjoy having things a little loose, fun, unpredictable, and like to move, Vinyasa is probably for you.

Relax and Restore Yoga

  • In restorative yoga, we use props to support the body so that you can relax into the poses longer, allowing you to open your body through passive stretching. Restorative postures are usually adapted from supine or seated yoga poses with the addition of blocks, bolsters, and blankets to eliminate unnecessary straining. For instance, a seated forward bend can be done as a restorative pose with a bolster or several folded blankets on top of the legs so your forward bend is fully supported with the entire torso resting on your props. Legs up the wall (viparita karani) is a classic restorative pose with the wall used as a prop to support the legs.
  • Restorative classes are usually very relaxing and are a good complement to more active practices. The teacher will arrange for the necessary props to be available to you. The lights may be dimmed and if it is chilly, you may be covered with a blanket since you will not be warming up the body the way you would in a regular class. After you are set up in a pose with all your props, you will hold the pose for an extended period. Although you are supported, you will definitely still feel relaxed and open.

Therapeutic with Props

  • his class is great for anyone who likes a slower pace and wants to learn to use yoga props. A prop can aid in helping you access a posture more fully, your world will widen considerably. Many believe that props are just for beginners, but guess again. Even the most advanced instructors utilize help from props to achieve a pose to its fullest potential. By providing support, props help you to extend beyond habitual limitations and teach you that your body is capable of doing much more than you think it can. People with chronic illness can use props to practice without undue strain and fatigue.Great for beginners, seniors, prenatal, yogis with mobility issues, as well as seasoned yogis who want to deepen their practice.

Relax and Restore Yoga

  • Preparing the body & mind for childbirth. Building strength. Building community
  • The time preparing to bring a child into the world is a special and sacred experience. The company you share, and environments you're in, are just as important as the food you eat
  • Preparing the body & mind for childbirth. Building strength. Building community
  • Whether it’s your first yoga class or you’ve been practicing for years, you will learn new things about the poses in this class as well as the benefits of the poses.
  • To Know More Contact us to enrollor email us at


BATCH Timing Fees
COMMON BATCH 06.00 TO 07.00 A.M. Rs.3100/Yearly
Rs.3500 Quaterly
LADIES BATCH 05.00 TO 06.00 P.M
COMMON BATCH 06.15 TO 07.15 P.M.
COMMON BATCH 07.00 TO 07.45 A.M.

Remark :

(1)Above-16 Years. (2)Each Batch 1 Hour.